thanks much for your whatchfull eye--ייד 19:08, 20 אין עיפריל 2007 (UTC)

Thank you for your work :-) --.anaconda 19:14, 20 אין עיפריל 2007 (UTC)

we are jewish your work may come to use during the sanath:)--ייד 19:16, 20 אין עיפריל 2007 (UTC)

I have some troubles writing here, but I'll try to help as I can. We're watching this wiki through our IRC channel (see m:SWMT). --.anaconda 19:26, 20 אין עיפריל 2007 (UTC)

אָנהייבן אַ דיסקוסיע מיט .anaconda

אָנהייבן אַ דיסקוסיע