װיקיפּעדיע:קאווע שטיבל/סעפטעמבער ארכיוו 2016
Machine translation support to be enabled soon for Content Translation
רעדאַקטירןזייט אזוי גוט איבערזעצן דעם בלאַט
Hello, I wanted to give you a heads up that machine translation support for Yiddish is now ready to be extended to Content Translation (beta feature) using Yandex. It is scheduled to be made active on this Wikipedia on September 14, 2016. This service can be used when translating Wikipedia articles into Yiddish with Content Translation. To start using this service, please choose ‘’Yandex.Translate’’ from the ‘’Automatic Translation’’ dropdown menu that you see on the sidebar after you start translating an article. Please note, machine translation is available from all the languages that are supported by Yandex.Translate, but Content Translation can still be used in the usual manner for translating from all languages, with or without machine translation support. For more information, we request you to kindly take a look at the details about machine translation services in Content Translation and about Yandex translation services, including a summary of the legal contract. Please note, the translations made using Content Translation are also used to improve machine translation services.
We look forward to your feedback. You can reach us using the Project Talk page or phabricator ticket. This message could only be written in English and we will really appreciate if it can be translated into Yiddish for other users of this Wikipedia. Thank you. On behalf of WMF Language team: --Runab WMF (רעדן) 13:57, 8 סעפטעמבער 2016 (UTC)
רעדאַקטירןBirgit Müller (WMDE) 15:08, 12 סעפטעמבער 2016 (UTC)
Machine translation support enabled today for Content Translation
רעדאַקטירןזייט אזוי גוט איבערזעצן דעם בלאַט
Hello, machine translation support for Content Translation (beta feature) has now been extended and enabled for users of Yiddish Wikipedia using Yandex. It can be used when translating Wikipedia articles into Yiddish with Content Translation. To start using this service, please choose ‘’Yandex.Translate’’ from the ‘’Automatic Translation’’ dropdown menu that you see on the sidebar after you start translating an article. Please note, machine translation is available from all the languages that are supported by Yandex.Translate, but Content Translation can still be used in the usual manner for translating from all languages, with or without machine translation support.
Wikimedia Foundation’s Legal team and Yandex had collaborated earlier to work out an agreement that allows the use of Yandex.Translate without compromising Wikipedia’s policy of attribution of rights, privacy of our users and brand representation. Since November 2015, Yandex machine translation has been used for articles translated for Wikipedias in many languages. For more information, we request you to kindly take a look at the details about machine translation services in Content Translation and about Yandex translation services, including a summary of the legal contract. Please note, translations made using Content Translation are also used to improve machine translation services.
We have tested the service for use on the Yiddish Wikipedia, but there could be unknown problems that we are not aware of yet. Please do let us know on our Project Talk page or phabricator if you face any problems using Content Translation. This message is only in English and we will be very grateful if it could be translated into Yiddish for other users of this Wikipedia. Thank you. On behalf of WMF Language team: --Runa Bhattacharjee (WMF) (רעדן) 23:59, 15 סעפטעמבער 2016 (UTC)
Grants to improve your project
רעדאַקטירןזייט אזוי גוט איבערזעצן דעם בלאַט:
Greetings! The Project Grants program is currently accepting proposals for funding. There is just over a week left to submit before the October 11 deadline. If you have ideas for software, offline outreach, research, online community organizing, or other projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.
- Submit a grant request
- Get help: In IdeaLab or an upcoming Hangout session
- Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants or Project and Event Grants
I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 20:11, 30 סעפטעמבער 2016 (UTC)