‪As far as I know, פֿליהען means "to fly" (verb) and פֿליגען means "flies" (the insect, plural).

 This is not correct  
 means both "to fly" and "flies" פֿליהען  
"means "to flee" פֿליהען


‪I’m not sure I understand you. (The RTL confusion)

‪Do you agree that פֿליג means the insect named "fly" and that פֿליגען is it's plural?

‪Or are you saying that פֿליגען can also be used as the verb in "the penguin can't fly"?

I do not believe that "פֿליהן" is the correct way to say this, instead I know it as "פֿליגן" usually.

די קלײנער קעניגל

אָנהייבן אַ דיסקוסיע וועגן פינגווין

אָנהייבן אַ דיסקוסיע
צוריק צו "פינגווין" בלאט.